Fix Your Sticking uPVC Doors in Summer Easy Solution

Dealing with a tacky uPVC door might be unsatisfying throughout the summers. But there is an easy way. This will make the door slide smoothly again. When you follow the steps below, you can fix your sticking uPVC doors.

Heat and humidity often cause the door to expand slightly until it sticks to the frame.  Rapid repairs include inspecting and fixing the hinges to confirm that the door turns easily. Sometimes, shrinking or slackening the hinges can resolve the issue, and greasing the locks with silicone spray could help the door open and close easily. If the door frame shows signs of warping due to weather conditions, carefully scrubbing or shaving the affected area will also help restore smooth operation.

Why are uPVC doors sticking in the summer?

The main reason doors often stick is due to them expanding. This may occur for many reasons. Reliant on the objective of the door is prepared since uPVC doors expand when heated. The same applies to many types of composite doors. Wood tends to expand more with moisture. Some composite doors have wood. And humid weather can bring on twice as much ambient heat and humidity. Make your door expand! You don’t need to worry about heat/moisture expansion.

This is because it is a regular procedure that disturbs these things. Your door isn’t broken. It’s too hot! There’s a simple fix.

How to Stop Sticking uPVC Door?

The immediate solution to uPVC swelling is a quick wipe/rinse with cold water. You’ll be cooler this way. The door also cools down and reduces swelling! You’ll want to check the hinges and ensure they fit clearly, but be careful when adjusting.

Problems may arise once the peak season (summer) ends. Reducing ambient humidity is essential for wooden doors affected by moisture. Some well-placed dehumidifiers can make a world of difference.

How do you fix sticking uPVC doors in summer?

Step 1: Clean the Sticking uPVC Door and Lubricate the Hinges

Fixing a sticky door means cleaning the external corner and the inside of the door frame. Dust and stains accumulate on planes until there is no longer than a 1/8-inch gap between the UPVC door and the door frame. Pick a spotless fabric and foamy water to freshen the door and frame.

Next, grease, such as WD-40, is applied to the hinges. Jammed hinges will stop the door from swaying without restrictions and could cause it to stick. Place a rag under the door in advance and put on the lubricant to avoid messing up or staining the ground.

 Step 2: Tighten the Hinges on the Sticking uPVC Door

How to fix uPVC Door Screw

If hinges are loose, the door may sag and scrape against the top of the frame. If you see scuffs or impressions in part of the frame, the problem may be a sagging frame or loose hinges. Take a screwdriver to make the hinge bolts on the frame and door.

In the same way, a loose flap may stick out too much. Restrict door movement. Take this opportunity to check the skid plate screws. Make tighter if essential. Do not use a borer. The minor screws can easily be taken out.  Therefore, it’s best to have the precision and control of a regular screwdriver.

Step 3: Replace The Screw

In some cases, screws in the hinge or frame come loose. If the screw hole is damaged, replace the screw to fix the issue. If the problem is that the screw has come loose, replacing the screws will allow you to tighten the hinge and locking plate. This is a simple method to fix a sticky door. However, if the screw holes are loose or the door frame is loose enough to cause the door to become stuck, it requires 3-inch screws.

Fix Your Sticking uPVC Doors

Remove the center screw from the hinge, then use a drill to drive in the 3-inch screw until the screw head is flush with the hinge. Fit the screwdriver and move. And repeat it for the next joint. To return the door frame to its original position, install a 3-inch screw into the front of the frame. Check.

Make sure the door frame is not leaning sideways. Then place a screw on the other side of the door frame to pull the door frame back into alignment. Please use wood filler or repaint the screw.

Step 4: Trim the Door

Humidity could cause the door to swell and inflate when a door is too large for the door frame. It will jam when you try to open or close. It is compulsory to control humidity complications quickly to avoid long losses. Swollen doors can be repaired. But it takes more effort than just tightening a few screws.

From previous inspections, it should be determined that the door edge is rubbing against the frame, causing the door to get stuck. Take a pencil to spot the part where the entrance scrubs opposite the frame. Then, take a screwdriver to remove the door from its hinges.  Move the door to your garage, shed, or other area. That scrap wood won’t be a problem. Utilize a planing machine or a belt-grinding machine to shape the sides of the door. The gap between the door and frame would be about 1/8 inch wide.

Acknowledge that its doors get shorter during the winter. This is when humidity is not an important factor, so don’t remove more material. Fix the door and check that it can be opened and closed correctly. But be prepared for a certain amount of trial and error before installing it correctly.

Step 5: Refinish the Door

When the outside of the door is sheared, it permits swiping without irritation and without touching the frame. Incomplete boundaries must be painted or discolored to stop dampness from all-pervading the timber and let the door expand again. Use a paintbrush to choose a color, stain, or even clear sealant to seal the door.


To keep your UPVC door working well in hot weather, follow these easy steps, which are given in this blog: First, clean the door well, then use silicon spray on the hinges to reduce friction. Inspect and make tighter, moveable hinges to confirm they are accurately lined up.  If necessary, exchange the bolts to save the hinges. For the still-stuck door, try trimming it slightly to create a small gap. Finally, tap the exposed edge to protect it from moisture and prevent rubbing against the frame. 

You can guarantee that your uPVC door performs effortlessly all summer through these modest repair tips. Regardless of heat and humidity


How to prevent uPVC doors from sticking?

To prevent the UPVC door from sticking, frequently spotless and grease the hinges and paths.

Why is my uPVC door handle sticking?

If the handler greases, its internal spring might get stuck against the backplate without enough space to rotate freely. This is the reason that the handle could not work properly.

What is the best way to fix sticking uPVC doors?

The best way to fix a stuck door is to identify and adjust the hinges to the correct position.

What is the best tool for sticking UPVC doors?

Try using a hand screwdriver instead of a drill. Occasionally, using a borer could slacken off the bolt holes and create difficulty. Sometimes, your door just needs a little realignment.

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